
Homœopathic Facial Analysis - HFA BOOKS


The main book which outlines the Homœopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) theory and its practice is


Bentley G                                Appearance and Circumstance (2003)


Appearance and Circumstance is the beginning of the HFA model - it details a new way of seeing miasms and compares to other miasmatic models.  The book contains photo examples of facial features, the first HFA feature chart, cases, miasmatic themes, the colour model and the polychrest remedies. The HFA online course includes new ideas since this book was written.  This book can be read either before starting the course or alongside the classes. 


Bentley G                                Homœopathic Facial Analysis – A companion guide to

                                                 Appearance and Circumstance (2006)


Homœopathic Facial Analysis details many examples of facial structure and is a desk top guide for the HFA practitioner. It is a more advanced and detailed look at facial features and contains the second HFA feature chart. It is not a stand alone book and is part of the two clinical HFA books (Appearance and Circumstance, Homœopathic Facial Analysis).  This book has all the features included to 2006.  A few new features are included in module 2 - Facial Analysis and some features being tested on the college website.  The professional analysis wizard (software) is available to download from this site.


Bentley G                                Soul & Survival (2008)


Soul & Survival was written for patients as well as practitioners and students. It defines a miasm as a survival instinct and details the purpose of the survival instinct through analogies and stories. It is written in contemporary terms without clinical or homœopathic terminology. The book details universal principles which homœopaths will be familiar with but is also suited to the general public. The life themes of each colour group (miasm or survival instinct) are much more developed and detailed than the more traditional view written in Appearance and Circumstance.


Bentley G                    How Aphorism 27 Changed The World (2013)


How Aphorism 27 Changed The World is an examination of the Organon and the miasmatic works of Hahnemann in light of the uncovering of miasmatic principles through the HFA method.  The book examines aspects of the Organon in reference to contemporarypractice with focus on its place in relation to scientific through and universal principles.  Highlighted are the strengths of homeopathy including aspects of Hahnemannian thinking that are open to new interpretation in the light of 200 years of further practice.


Bentley L                  The HFA Workbook (2021)


The HFA Workbook is the latest book in the HFA series. Based on more than 20 years research and clinical application, The HFA Workbook is the ultimate desktop workbook for HFA users. Detailing every aspect of HFA from taking photos to allocating facial features, this latest HFA book will answer many of the questions HFA practitioners and students ask.


Books are available through the Victorian College of Classical Homoeopathy


Homoeopathic book sellers (Minimum, Whole Health Now, Riverdale Homeopathics, HES, Serpentina Books, Alternative Training, Emryss Publishers, Naryana Verlag, Similibooks)



MORE READING (if you wish)

Miasmatic theory is a topic that has fascinated homoeopaths since Samuel Hahnemann first wrote his 12 year treatise on the subject – Chronic Disease (1828). In the past 200 years since this publication, many authors have defined the miasms by a number of different means but chiefly using disease and disease classification as the foundation of their theories. To further investigate the progression (and digression) of this theory the following books can be read


Hahnemann S                         Chronic Diseases

Kent                                         Lectures on Homœopathic Philosophy

Allen J H                                  Chronic Miasms, Psora, Pseudo-psora and Sycosis

Roberts H                                The Principles and Art of Cure by Homœopathy (miasm chapters)

Ortega                                      Notes on the Miasms


However none of these pathological models have ever been consistently successful in clinical practice. Homœopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) is successful because it views the miasm as a force or energy (response to disease and/or stress) rather than a disease.   With this different foundation as its base Homœopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) has become an extremely effective clinical tool.