HFA a professional attitude

If you have practiced taking photos with family and friends, this process should be very quick with your patients. The better you are at handling the photo taking process, the more confidence your patient will have in you. Remember the patient has come to you and trusts you to help them with their health – as you are an alternative practitioner, they have an expectation that you will use an alternative method to assess their health. Be confident in what you do, and they will respect you for this. The more professional you are the more they will place themselves in your hands. 
Traditionally a doctor or healer is placed above the patient by the patient themselves – and often by the practitioner (see the purple chapter in Soul & Survival). This hierarchy still exists in many medical practices and is one of the reasons patients will see the same practitioner for many years, even if the results are small or non-existent. 
Each practitioner must decide for herself or himself how this relationship between themselves and the patient will unfold. Whether you choose an upper position or an equal position, you must be competent at every aspect of the Homœopathic process – both for your patient and for yourself. If you choose a lesser position, if you are uncomfortable yourself with taking the patient’s photos, or if you feel unsure about yourself as a practitioner, your patient will sense it and may lose their confidence in you. If they do, it will lessen your ability to help them. It is very important that you learn how to take photos with confidence.