HFA bridges

Bridge of nose

The bridge of the nose has always been a difficult area to learn (and to teach). Like the forehead shape the process became easier once the feature was broken down into parts. The two parts of this feature are the distance and the shape. Learn to see the area in those two components and you will know how to rate it more easily.

DISTANCE (both profile photos)

*These bridge distance points will be JOINED as the ONE point if the SAME COLOUR POINT shows against bridge shape (they are not added together which would be over-weighting the points) – the wizard has this scoring inbuilt. The purpose is to not over-rate the bridge but acknowledge its overall distance/shape. This means if the bridge has 2 blue points the point score is dropped to 1 blue point. If the bridge has 2 red points the point score is dropped to 1 red point. In some cases, the bridge is both full and curved – this presentation will get 1 red and 1 blue point.


  • The bridge of the nose is the area between the base of the forehead and the commencement of the nose as seen on profile – it is the starting point of the nose 
  • Assess the images in regard to distance from the eye 
  • Disregard the shape – you will be choosing the shape in the next section 
  • Make sure the images are similar – if not the photos aren’t straight – take them again at a 90-degree angle

SHAPE (both profile photos)

*These bridge shape points will be JOINED as the ONE point if the SAME COLOUR POINT shows against bridge distance points (they are not added together which would be overweighting the points) – the wizard has this scoring inbuilt. The purpose is to not over rate the bridge but acknowledge its overall distance/shape. This means if the bridge has 2 blue points the point score is dropped to 1 blue point. If the bridge has 2 red points the point score is dropped to 1 red point. In some cases, the bridge is both full and curved – this presentation will get 1 red and 1 blue point.


  • The bridge of the nose is the area between the base of the forehead and the commencement of the nose as seen on profile 
  • Assess the images in regard to shape of this area 
  • Disregard the distance – you chose that aspect in the previous section 
  • Make sure the images are similar – if not your photos aren’t straight – take them again at a 90-degree angle.